1.2 Abstract: A microcontroller based automotive computer interface is described.
That is also why you will see two distinct writing styles, the more formal style used in the report and my more laid back personal how-to style of the added information sections. Much of this information was written in a formal technical writing manor, I have since gone back and added some for more in-depth information others might find useful who have more background knowledge on GM engine control systems then my professor who read the report at the time. I have copied and pasted a lot of the description out of the project formal report.
Project Overview 1.1 Heads-up: This project was done for my 2007 Senor design project class in college. Project status: Project Completed Project first started: February 2007 Project finished: Late April 2007 Project Scope: 2007 Senior Design Engineering Project Old Dominion University GM OBD-I ALDL Atmel AVR LCD interface pulling data off a 7730 $8D ECU 1.